Vanessa Hill was born in Columbia, but is now based in Trinidad in pursuit of her dreams. One of which is to be a fitness model. The global market for sport continues to grow financially and with it the related imagery that goes with it. Just one spin off in the marketing industry is the growing need for fitness models to promote various products and services.
With the recognition that the commitment of working out to maintain her figure has yielded much kudos from her friends, Vanessa quickly embraced her destiny to model. Under the guise of her alias “Milyva”, she has within one year, already modeled for couture in her first official fashion show.
Since then she has been very much in demand doing a range of assignments. These include clothing and swimsuit lines and even music videos out of Trinidad and Tobago.
Vanessa confesses to admiring Venezuelan bikini model Michelle Lewin and observes her in terms of a role model to mirror her approach to the field.
When not on the “Fashion” circuit, Vanessa is a Dive Master and a technologist in Accounting and Finance. She loves to smile, dance, listen to music and be funny when she can be.
Featured Works
Portfolio Excerpts
Chicaurbano assignment for the magazine Urbane in Colombia
Featured in the Nirvana magazine of Jamaica
Featured in MondDiva
Model principal in a music video for F.L.O
For more on Vanessa and other emerging talent do click here and visit our Facebook page PlentyTalent
Can you ask each of these persons to call me on Whats app. It is in relation to a movie I am doing. [email protected] mikie