This Trinidadian born author has already published his first book entitled Book Of The Enlightened One. Book Of The Enlightened One is considered wisdom literature with topics such as judging, enlightenment, hypocrisy, competition, guilt, relationships, happiness and much more. The author deals with day to day issues in the form of proverbs based on his inspired revelations. His goal is to lead the reader in becoming enlightened, following the Divine Being. The book is proverbial by nature, highly intuitive, but never yet narrowed down to any one religion in particular. “It is filled with empathy but in a controlled manner. It is a holistic approach to daily practices that are universal as it definitely caters to the needs of the entire Human Civilization.” it is geared at re-establishing and maintaining worldwide equity. “The lines within are so powerfully packed and rooted deep but yet still laid unto perfect simplicity once you begin to delve with exploration.” It highlights the main cause of how all the world woes hopes to yields solutions often overlooked. The greatest power displayed in its simplicity is the very ways we choose to survive. The book is also available on Amazon.