Samantha works predominantly in acrylics because of the speed at which changes can be made and she considers acrylics also versatile in that you can get a watercolour style, or lay them on thick and gooey and have them look like oils.
“I paint because I feel a connection to something greater when I do. I feel like I am stirring a pot of something awesome when I pull together and image. I feel like there is a wider mind, teasing me with ideas, concepts and concerns that the world has. Images flash in my mind sometimes dozens during the day. Some reach as a crude sketch in my journal. Some stay in my mind to percolate a bit. Some never make it out”.
Whilst she also does landscapes “it is the things she does to cleanse her mind’s palate, the swirling images which she enjoys doing most.”
Sam is currently working on a series of women. “ These women are the manifestations of my thoughts on these emotions. The women are reflections of me and female personalities around me that intrigue me in some way. Their body language conveys and emotion, or happening at a point in time.” I tend to paint subjects which have a slight taboo, because I believe they are misunderstood, and scorned because of this. Sensuality is one main theme. I think too many women are made to feel apologetic because they exude sensuality. “
One of Samantha’s pieces is currently featured prominently at the Queen’s Park Oval Wall.