From a very young age Gerard knew he wanted to be an artist. He drew constantly in school finding that doodling whilst listening to his teachers relaxed him. Gerard began his career in Advertising and Graphic Design, but by 1997, after a period of soul searching he gravitated away from the Corporate World into the hands of his original mistress. ART !
For Gerard, art offers an opportunity for self-expression and the pursuit of beauty. His love for the discipline has even led to him teaching art and forming an Art Academy. He is now motivated to help students develop their artistic talents. His proudest moments now include the privilege to work with some amazing talent. It brings him much joy watching his students blossom. His own pieces are influenced by his spiritual quest for wholeness, truth and the continuous engagement of his inner conflicts in the pursuit of healing and ascension. His varied choices of media include water colours, acrylics, collage and clay. But his proudest works are based on using discarded items and bringing them together in fantastic configurations that fascinate and delight the eye.
Gerard's outstanding works can be viewed at the ART HOUSE in PARADISE in Trinicity by calling 1-868-485-4473
His other talents include recording poetry that are professionally voiced and accompanied by original musical scores.
Featured Works (click PLenty ART)
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