Contact Us


Site Users and Visitors

If you would like to become a member of Plenty Talent either for the purpose of being kept informed and or participating in our blogs and conversations simply follow these steps

1) To become a Comment Author / Participant you simply select our login links and submit a username and email via any applicable page on this site.

2) Once approval occurs you will be notified by site moderator and you can immediately post your comments and feedback. It should be noted that unnecessary obscenties and inappropriate comments and  conversations will result in your user account being removed.

3) Also you can simply “post comments” at any one of our webpages located on this website.

Suggestions are also more than welcomed.

The Talent

If you possess any of the stipulated talents in the disciplines of the Creative Industry and you are interested in having your work featured or you yourself featured, find out how by contacting Luke at [email protected] or calling 1-868-620-8567 to receive the details.


Potential Advertisers

To become affiliated to this site for the purpose of keeping your brand alive and or sharing your latest web advertising messages and content simply contact LUKE at [email protected] or call 1-868-620-8567.

The following options for advertising include

1)      Banner Adverts

2)      Side Panel Adverts

3)      Active link Adverts


Your Calendar Events

It is the intent to keep this site wholesome, active and continually updated with your events as they occur. If you would like to share an event via our Calendar links feel free to upload your event information via the following steps. Events uploaded will require 48hrs to be approved and thus be visible.


Plenty Talent Events Calendar guidelines


The primary goal of the Plenty Talent Events Calendar is to provide a source of events information for those associated with the Creative Industries the publics that are interested in such events. The calendar can be viewed by the entire web community with emphasis on Trinidad and Tobago and the other Caribbean islands where possible.


The calendar provides detailed information concerning events that involve Creative presentation and promotion of such talents. The calendar will also attempt to list public meetings, seminars and conferences and even training opportunities related to the Industry. The calendar is intended to be a useful resource for event planners. The administrators of Plenty Talent will not be held liable where scheduled events are cancelled or postponed but in the interest of all will attempt to ensure all sources of information can be validated


Submissions will not appear on the calendar until they are approved by designated personnel. Certain authorized personnel, including site-wide administrators and calendar managers, have the ability to post events without waiting for approval. Events are approved at the sole discretion of the administrators and calendar managers.

Anyone who submits information to the calendar is responsible for the content and accuracy of his or her submission(s). NO inappropriate material or anything in bad taste is submitted, will be posted in the calendar. Additional information about an event may be supplied through providing URL links, but such links also must adhere to acceptable standards for Internet content.

Securing inclusion on the calendar

Events singular in nature can be forwarded with all relevant details inclusive of event name, date and time of the event, the venue and the details of the event sufficient to allow viewers to have sufficient information on what the event is about. Continuous events should be so indicated and include a list of recurring dates. This information should be forwarded to [email protected]

Any association, organization or events coordinators seeking to have their events regularly listed on the Calendar can send their time tables or website where such events can be extracted for submission on the Calendar. These annual time table of events and websites, can be forwarded to [email protected].


Indemnity and Damages

Plenty Talent makes no guarantees, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information shared on the calendar. Information by Internet links external to Plenty Talent calendar is not under editorial control of the PT administrators.

4 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. Good Morning!
    My name is Nicolas Araya and I work for ECLAC in creating a cluster and IAPT community. We recently recieved your registry in our platform but would like to know a bit more about your initiative before properly incorporating you into the community. We would be happy to set up a meeting so we can learn more about plentytalent.

    Feel free to answer this comment with your schedule so we can find a time that suits us all.

    We are looking forward to meeting you.

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