Chris and Wendell Riley spent a significant portion of their formative years reading and re-reading their uncle’s comics in-between coming up with their own hand-drawn tales in copybooks meant for schoolwork. Growing up in the twin island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago meant that the brothers were also exposed to a rich culture of storytelling that combined elements of African, European, East Indian and Chinese legends and folklore, among others. ( Photo credit : Peter Limchoy)
Chris returned to Trinidad after studying comic book illustration at The Kubert School in New Jersey and doing touch-up work for Marvel Comics in New York. He felt that Trinidad and Tobago’s rich cultural tapestry was the perfect launching pad for a comic book of his own, which he wanted to call Terror of the Midnight Robber. The book features many of Trinidad’s most prominent folklore characters including Papa Bois, Douen, Soucouyants and of course, the Midnight Robber himself. He recruited Wendell (the younger of the two), who was at home on break from university at the time, to work on the script. The book made a splash on the local comic scene, and the brothers have since published a number of in-house titles including additional Midnight Robber issues, Velocity Corps, Southern Exposure and the ever-popular Mango Chil’ren.
The Riley brothers are always out and about both in T&T and abroad trying to show how the comic medium promotes literacy and artistic expression to youth groups especially. Back home in Trinidad, Chris teaches Introduction to Comic Art and Basic Drawing courses for UWI Open Campus and Drawing Club classes at Maria Regina Primary School. In addition to his in-demand graphic design work for corporate clients. He continues to do comic conventions throughout the year where he meets fans, showcases original artwork and signs books. Wendell works as a Production Manager for Moonbot Studios in Louisiana, where he gets to work on animated films, app development and video games. Somehow, in addition to all of this the brothers still find the time to do what they love: making comics.
The brothers plan to continue to publish free work on their website. So long as there are people out there who keep reading and sharing their work. See www.threequartercomics.com;
The brothers formed Three Quarter Comics (3QC) and launched www.threequartercomics.com, a website dedicated to offering free online comics weekly.
3QC hired to create an original comic series featuring a character named Maggie Schmidt for the dating website Hip&Single, based in San Francisco, California.
Roxy and Rick: When Worlds Collide, was published in Caribbean Belle Magazine
Hosted an eight week camp on comic writing and art for the Shreve Memorial Library in Shreveport, Louisiana
3QC goes to press with the second printing of Terror of the Midnight Robber #1, and will debut the first printed edition of Mango Chil’ren
For more on the Riley Brothers feel free to visit the PlentyTalent Facebook page.
Is it possible to get a contact number for the Riley Brothers?