For Sarah the local landscape, the beaches, mountains and the flora and fauna provide a great deal of inspiration. Coupled with this the variety of music she listens to evokes different emotions that translates into her works. Her early inspiration comes from her fascination by environmental and wildlife conservation. But currently acceptance of her works by the Art Society of Trinidad and Tobago serves as her indication that she is on the correct path.
She has displayed her work at the Southern Academy of Performing Arts (SAPA), at the Mud House Museum in Avocat South Trinidad, at the Rotunda Gallery TT and the Art Society of Trinidad and Tobago (ASTT). Some of her pieces were recently shown at Arnims’s Art Galleria and she recently exhibited with the Women In Art Organization of Trinidad and Tobago. In terms of projects she is currently producing children and adult coloring books to be targeted for both local and foreign consumption. Also planned is the production of a series of art pieces based on global issues, for example, humanitarian/social issues and environmental issues.
In recognizing the challenges of the Art Industry she does express concern about whether viewers would understand and relate to her art but she believes that as people understand the changes taking place in the universe they eventually relate to her pieces. Sarah encourages all aspirants to not be fearful of building your own brand as an artist and just consistently produce pieces. “Always give your best, no matter what, be your biggest ‘supporter’ and keep positive energies within and around you.”
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